Latest Plenty of Fish Experiences


Based on 19 reviews

Very Bad
  • ma***** 58 years

    It's a great place to meet somebody.Now, they have been taken over by Match. Whilst I appreciate they are a business, the whole site is pretty useles... s. If users could just pay one flat fee per month - say £9.99 and have access to all the features instead of it just being run by breadheads making a profit off people in search of a partner, then that would be better than having to shell out a big lump of cash in one go. It was a really great place before Match ruined it. Also, why, as a straight male, do I have to get TV's coming up in my search results when I am clearly not interested in males!? «»

  • re***** 71 years

    I do not get any response from any man I send messages to or any man contact me since I joint.I like plenty of fish but not getting any contact from ... the man. I am not sure if I did miss something. «»

  • ste**** 52 years

    Very little. It was much better 5 years ago.I used to report the fakes, add excellent proof (links to where the photos were copied from), and then hi... t Refresh to see if the profile still existed. A message from POF pops up saying, "User no longer exists." So you'd assume they had been kicked off the site. But a few days later, I'd see the same profile back on the site. So I would report it again (Adding proof) and get the same "User no longer exists" message. And again, a few days later, I'd spot the same profile with the same fake photos.I then had an idea. I'd come across a fake profile. Get the proof ready. And then message the fake, saying "BYE BYE." Then, report them. Again, the same message from POF (user no longer exists).I'd then check my sent messages, And as expected, no BYE BYE message was there to the fake person. So imagine my surprise when, 2 days later, there it was. And the fake person's photo was on the left. I clicked on it, and the full profile was back on the site. I've done the same over 30 times on various fake members. And every time. The same fake profiles are back on POF after a few days of reporting them. I've reported some of the fakes at least 6 times, and each time, they appear again a few days later.It proves that POF doesn't care about genuine members. And even a fake/scammer is seen as possible revenue to them. «»

  • Kar**** 60 years

    I hate this site. It's the worst ever. It's full of scammers and scum. Men are only after casual sex or hookups. They lie and deceive. If I do get a m... essage it starts off quite nicely but if you exchange numbers they soon ghost you. Telling you "we should go out for a drink or coffee" but then they ghost you! Most of the time I report scammers or have to delete them myself. Absolute waste of money! Men don't reply to messages, not even a "no thank you". Very rude and impolite. If I don't reply straight away after getting a message some men get very abusive and called me all sorts of names, too rude to mention. The majority of men are disgusting, unkempt, with bad teeth, and fat! They don't care what they look like. They look like absolute perverts! If I did match with someone the first thing they ask is, "do you live alone, have you got kids, what are your sexual likes and dislikes." It seems that men still think women are there to be abused and mistreated and they do it with impunity! Just because they can as there's no accountability. Men steal other men's photos so you think you're talking to the person from the photos but it could well be a total pervert asking about your sexual likes.My conclusion; POF is a total waste of money, it's badly administrated and no one will ever find a relationship on POF! «»

  • Bobb*** 34 years

    Absolutely nothingDespite what the vile owner says, they are moving towards a subscription site, because the guy in charge is intentionally trying to... take advantage of the vulnerable users, or force certain people off the site. Or to take advantage to make money. He says he isn't but why then can you only send one free message a day unless you upgrade, he is doing it gradually such as bringing in more restrictions on the profiles you can like and the messages you can send which is now just one, if they message back you can only have one free conversation «»

  • Ste**** 53 years

    It's free.....They don't remove fake profiles...... I've reported the same ones (with proof) many times...... When you report them and then hit refre... sh on the fake profile... It says..... User no longer exists...... Not true...... The same fake profile will be back on the site within a day or two.....With the same copied photo..... It's simply an open door for scammers to target members..... And POF are allowing it to happen.... «»

  • Barb*** 48 years

    NothingMen can create fake accounts, claiming to be single, or local just to have sex. Professions all. All claim to be single, but are trying to get... money out of you, or just want sex, where's the safety checks. Women cannot post pictures otger than themselves and it requires video authentication, but men can post memes, fake photos???? How???? Pof don't reply to these queries, and don't make women feel safe. It's asking for trouble. Trust your gut, if it seems dodgy, report, block and move on. «»

  • Ste**** 51 years

    Not that much. Hardly anyone talks, even if you're quite nice-looking.The biggest problem is all the fake profiles. Suppose you spot one and do an im... age search; you'll get results to prove the person is fake. Add those page links when you report the person/fake/scammer. And you'd expect pof to remove the profile. So after doing this, I then refreshed the page (profile id is still at the top) within 10 seconds of my reporting the profile. It said the user no longer exists. So I thought. Wow. That was quick. I tried this on other fake profiles. Same. The profile has gone just like that. I thought, pof can't have been that quick. I had an idea. I gathered the proof to prove the profile was fake. But before reporting it. I sent the fake person a message. I then reported them. Again. Profile gone in seconds. And the message was no longer in my outbox. But a day later, it appeared again. And the profile was still online. So what are pof doing? They are tricking you so you think the profile was removed. I guess that even fakes/scammers are seen as member numbers to increase revenue. That is a disgusting way to run a site. «»

  • Fr***** 50 years

    POF introduced a log in which requires SMS number security in log in. Without a mobile phone or if you just don't want an online dating group to have... such detail ( IE to stop getting random spam calls after they sell you number) you will have to message them to reactivate your account, that only stays active for a few days before it requests again. This was the end of POF for me and does not stop scammer or jerks from joining the site. «»

  • rick*** 58 years

    More messages from "certain types of users" (ie upgraded (paying) members) and my profiles inability to switch off this feature looks like pof is mov... ing to a subscription led site! «»

  • sim**** 58 years

    Scam outfit.I paid for the privilege only to find the majority of clicks turned up 'error'.They have been told but have done nothing except get very... excited about never giving your money back.AVOID «»

  • nels*** 46 years

    totally poor, was not easy to sign up to and when you do there automated system logs you out, after 5 day i have been banned and do not know why ?The... re is also no way of finding out.Too many problems hereShame because i was trialing it to sign up «»

  • To***** 50 years

    What a rip offmy first contact with a stunning women who said she lived 10 miles away seemed to live on the other side of the planet as her spelling ... was awfull.a tell tail sign they are foreign and trying to rip you off.What a scam {fish beware} «»

  • spir*** 49 years

    You get what you pay for. Women don't reply to messages due to receiving so many messages from sex pests. Message filters restrict age groups of who y... ou can/can't send messages to, so if you live in somewhere like scunthorpe & want to meet for cocktails, don't even bother. «»

  • gabr*** 21 years

    Don't use or you will be dissapointed....wasted so much time creating the profile taking all the tests hopefully that will help me find what I am lo... oking for, started talking to a couple of girls, now my acc got deleted all of a explanation, not even a notice saying : ' Your acc was deleted' what the ???? I had to lose some more time in finding out what happened, trying to reset the password multiple times....It's absoultely crazy.... then I googled it and I found out it's something normal that happens all the time.... never ever encountered such a bad experience with any site ..... ..... sucha a bad service... will never reccommend to anyone...... .... So dissapointed in something that looked so promising......If you think it won't happen to you , think again. Don't waste your time on this website...go out do something ith your life.... «»

  • Kate*** 61 years

    All men on pof is only out looking sex or stayin overnite on first vist thats not on plus they should be made put up a photo before they are allowed o... n site «»

  • R****** 40 years

    Great site

  • Adri*** 44 years

    Women ignore and don't even respond, the site shows you all these meet ups, but they are all unreachable, I figured out that fake profiles are created... to lure you into buying boosts and all sorts of token. Messages received, when you send a message, you get a phishing message, sending you to a porn site, I am talking 10 in the middle of the night, and they are all gone when you try to contact them or disappeared and deleted their profile the next morning after. The only real profiles that contact you are the bottom feeders, old ladies and desperate women with some sort of short coming. The site is dodgy. «»

  • B Pa*** 81 years

    they tell you it is free until you sign up then you have to pay big amounts to use the site BEWARE

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