Dig Review
Dig is an app created by sisters Ley and Casey Isaacson for dog-lovers like them. The inspiration for the app came after one of them had a failed relationship because the partner is not so fond of having dogs around. Instead of putting it only under the interests section of your profile, Dig managed to make it revolved around how much you love dogs. With that in mind, you have at least one great common thing with all the members of the app.
Although it's still relatively new compared to other dating apps available in the market, Dig has become more popular and has been featured by different magazines and online publications because of its unique concept. Aside from that, it is also their pride to be a member of Pledge 1%, which means that they allot 1% of the app's total revenue for a good cause.
So if you are a dog owner or lover, or both, read more of our in-depth review and see if this app is for you!