There are no search options inside Chat Avenue. If you wish to talk to someone again, you need to be friends with him or her. Before you can add people, you need to have an account first. Once you created an account, your friends' list will be visible and you will be able to see who is online and not.
Consultation with Members
- Encounter lots of people from different walks of life
- Chat rooms are topic-based
- Some of the group conversations have sexually explicit content
- Members are active and responsive.
- Chat rooms with niched topics such as "video games" have more serious chatters
You will encounter a lot of different people in Chat Avenue. Here are some of the conversations that happened inside the site:
Even if we told another person who is 19-years-old that we are only 15, he still proceeds to converse about sexually explicit topics.
In the Dating chat room, we entered as a 28-year-old woman and everything went fine. Since this is a "Dating" chat room, we expected that people would be more inclined towards a longer relationship.
In the Video Games chat room, we joined as a 30-year-old man. Out of the three, we had the most decent experience in this chat room. People actually talked about video games.